Alam wernick free gay pirn

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I used to create homemade videos, but the porn industry was a completely enjoyable, but different, experience,' he told Attitude magazine in a recent profile interview. 'The porn industry was a beautiful experience. He produces the content and is paid directly by those interested in his work. He also has 200,000 followers on Twitter.Īnd now that he has a proven name in the porn world, he's taking control of his career through his fan site. In just a few years, he can now boast over a million Instagram followers. But his good looks and sexy social media posts quickly caught the attention of fans and producers alike.

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The young Brazilian saw a future in medicine when he went to school. This isn't the life a younger Wernik envisioned for his life. And he's found a level of financial freedom courtesy of OnlyFans. He's appeared in several popular gay porn scenes.

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Ap| Porn Stars Alam Wernik: from student to social media star to pornĪlam Wernik is a star.

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